Luang Por Viradhammo will be teaching live via Zoom in Canada (GMT-4.00), Tisarana Buddhist Monastery. This online retreat is jointly organised by Buddha Dhamma Foundation (BDF) and Nibbana Dhamma Rakkha (NDR). We are based in Singapore, the retreat schedule will be based on Singapore time at GMT+8.00. If you live in a different time zone, you can refer to our recommended schedule or adjust it to fit your time zone.
This meditation retreat is suitable for anyone who has some experience in meditation and at least a basic knowledge of the Dhamma. Open to all practitioners, the retreat will be an opportunity to practise meditation with reflections on the Buddhist path with Dhamma teachings.
This online retreat will be from
Singapore Time Zone (GMT+8.00)
24 Dec 2021 (Friday) 07.45am - 26 Dec 2021 (Sunday) 9.30pm
Canada (Ottawa) Time Zone (GMT-4.00)
23 Dec 2021 (Thursday) 06.45pm - 26 Dec 2021 (Sunday) 8.30am
You are encouraged to commit yourself fully to the retreat during these few days to benefit from it. We hope you will attend the entire retreat and establish yourself in the conditions of calmness, silence and integrity with which you would approach any retreat centre.
The programme details based on Singapore time zone* are in Page 39 of the retreat handbook that you can download from the button below.
*Note: Please check back this page for the programme for other time zones.
Please click the button below to download the retreat handbook ACCORDING to your timezone to help you familiarise yourself with the technical settings and retreat guidelines. The guidelines in the handbook will help to create a safe, supportive and encouraging space for all attending the retreat.
Ajahn Viradhammo (48 Years of Vassa) was born in Germany in 1947 to Latvian refugee parents. They moved to Toronto, Canada, when he was four years old. While living in India in 1971, he was introduced to the teachings of the Buddha, which eventually led to his taking bhikkhu ordination in 1974 at Wat Pah Pong Monastery with the Thai Forest meditation master Ajahn Chah.
Upon completing a visit to Canada in 1977 to see his family, he was asked by Ajahn Chah to join Ajahn Sumedho at the Hampstead Vihāra in London, England. Later, he was involved in the establishment of both the Chithurst and Harnham monasteries in the UK, as well as the Bodhinyānārāma Monastery in New Zealand, where he served as abbot.
In 1995, Ajahn Viradhammo returned to the UK to assist Ajahn Sumedho at Amarāvati Monastery, and in 1999, he went back to New Zealand.
In 2002, he moved to Ottawa to care for his elderly mother until her death in 2011. During this time, he helped to establish the Tisarana Buddhist Monastery in Perth, Ontario, where he took up the position of abbot. He is now a full-time resident there.