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Million Minutes of Metta & Mindfulness - Highly recommended by Venerable Mahinda

Million Minutes of Metta & Mindfulness

Every minute of Metta, every minute of mindfulness

Will bring the world greater peace and happiness

We would like to invite you and your members, friends and families to attend the virtual launch of the Million Minutes of Metta and Mindfulness global initiative by Venerable Mahinda immediately upon his delivering the combined

e-Vesak Day Dhamma talk which begins at 10.15 am (Singapore time) on 26 May 2021.

Please join us via Zoom Meeting

ID: 895 8817 6666

Passcode 955789

to attend the combined e-Vesak Day Dhamma talk,

•            launch of the Million Minutes of Metta and Mindfulness global initiative, and

•            launch of the Awakening with Metta animation.

You may also visit (from 23 May 2021) for details on how to join us in this initiative and Co-organised by

Metta Mindfulness-Venerable Mahinda.JPG